Experience is critical in the IT field. AmazingDevOps aims to provide our students with work experience and underlying skills through challenging projects that simulate a DevOps engineer’s day-to-day activities in the office. The projects we provide focus on helping students gain both technical and soft skills necessary to succeed as a DevOps engineer.

We have established an IT environment that allows students to attend daily and weekly meetings: Standup, Swarm, Pair programming, Decision Making, Retrospective, and IT War room, and improve technical, soft, collaboration, communication, negotiation, and leadership skills.

We have a burning desire to simulate the work environment and help our students interact with day-to-day workplace tools such as Slack (Real-Time Communication), Jira Kanban board (Ticketing, Planning), Confluence (documentation), Microsoft Teams (Real-time communication), and Service Desk Plus (Change Management Tool).

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